Friday, July 19, 2013

Homework due friday june 19th

2SDS pg. 204 #7-13

7. An alloy is a solid combination of atoms made up of two or more metals.

8. Two alloys I use regularly are Cutlery steel and carat gold. Cutlery steel is in many of the utensials i use to eat, and carat gold is in most of the jewlerry i wear and own. s

9. Carbon is a nonmetal that is a part of both steel and stainless steel.

10. Chromium- platinum, also known as Cr3Pt, is a sturdy alloy that creates the basis of many razor blade edges.

11. Elements that act as semi-conductors are commonly known as metalloids. They lay in between metals and nonmetals, and they exemplify characteristics of both metals and nonmetals.

12. Three elements frequently used for doping semiconductors are phosphorus, arsenic, and gallium.

13. The primary use of the products of semi conductor technology is for letting computers process digital information; many semi-conductor devices have integrated circuits that are used in commuters and other electronic devices, as well. 

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